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Getting started at the Aix Marseille University libraries

New to the Library and need to know more? This is the perfect starting point for you to find out all about the Aix Marseille University libraries.

Welcome to the Aix Marseille Universities libraries

You have access to a wide range of resources, including books, journals, research databases, newspapers, theses and reference materials. Many of our resources are available electronically, which means you can access them whenever and wherever you like.

You also have access to a number of library sites and a wide variety of study spaces, so that you can work collaboratively with others, make use of IT and audiovisual materials, or take advantage of silent study areas for intensive study periods.

Find out all about our resources, services and facilities by exploring this Getting Started LibGuide. Just get in touch if you have any questions or need further help :

How to learn a new language?

As a member of Aix Marseille University, you can access the platform AMUlangues via the "Environnement Numérique de Travail".

AMUlangues  the first platform to develop language learning within a complete virtual immersion environment.

  • How to connect to the platform?

- Connect to the Environnement numérique de Travail with your Aix Marseille University login and password.

- search for the application  AMUlangues


On the homepage of the website, you can start your search by using thousands of articles, online books and databases as well as library guides.  

You also have access to useful shortcuts ("raccourcis") on how to: